There are several committees appointed by the Board of Directors, which may assist the Board by making recommendations.
Those committees are as follows:
SVEA Committee Descriptions- 2025/ 2026
Committees are created and staffed by the Board of Directors. Only the Executive Committee is a “Board Committee”, having the authority to act on behalf of the board. SVEA Committees are expected to provide recommendations to the Board for Board approval. The Board may also form “Ad-Hoc” Committees are intended to be temporary and focused on a single issue. Ad-Hoc Committees may be either Board Committees or SVEA Committees as determined by the Board at the time the Committee is created. SVEA Committees are encouraged to include homeowner participation to capture homeowner input and increase transparency.
Executive Committee (Board)
This committee is made up of four officers of the Board (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. These positions are filled via a vote at a meeting of the full board and the board then passes a motion to authorize this committee to act on behalf of the board. The Executive committee hears appeals of the Violation Hearing Board, and/or Architectural Design Committee, and may act on general matters on in between Board Meetings on time sensitive issues.
Governance Committee (SVEA)
This committee will be responsible for ensuring the Board processes are fit-for-purpose, provide suitable controls, reflect best practices, and are transparent. Specific Board processes for focus include elections and meeting procedures, but other Board processes such as audit and insurance may be periodically considered as appropriate. This committee will be fully accountable to the Board for member elections, with responsibility for evaluating Board needs, developing selection criteria, soliciting prospective candidates, and supporting election activities.
Communications Committee (SVEA)
The Communications Committee’s mission is to ensure that relevant, accurate and timely information and flows between the SVEA Board, Staff and SVEA owners. Responsibilities include:
- Enhance the quality of communication with homeowners and other interested parties
- Ensure that communications serve to foster a sense of community and identify opportunities for homeowners to participate in Elkhorn activities and committees.
- Assist staff in publicizing Elkhorn activities by gathering content from other committees, preparing content for publication and identifying improvements for signage and branding.
- Maintain contact with the City of Sun Valley to identify matters of interest to homeowners and facilitate delivery through board meetings, newsletters, eblasts and our website.
- Recommend and help develop modifications to SVEA’s website to better meet homeowner expectations.
Finance Committee (SVEA)
The Finance Committee oversees SVEA’s financial matters and provides insights and recommendations to the Board that serve to enhance its due diligence regarding SVEA financials, particularly as defined below:
Revenues and Expenditures for Operations and Capital accounts:
- Oversee the annual budgeting process, verifying appropriate levels of revenues and spending, and recommending approval to the Board of Directors
- Ensure adequate cash flow with proper management and timely investment of cash.
- Validate the required level of homeowner dues and recommend to the Board of Directors, including the appropriate split between Operational and Capital funds.
- Review monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements with staff. Confirm deviations from plan and ensure corrective actions are taken where necessary. Recommend approval of quarterly financials to the Board of Directors.
Financial Transparency
- Ensure that the annual budget, monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports and summary deviation from plan are readily available on SVEA website.
- Provide summary updates regarding financial matters at SVEA board meetings and in SVEA newsletters (quarterly) and at SVEA member meetings annually.
- Respond to ad-hoc financial queries from SVEA members as appropriate.
Capital Improvements / Long Range Planning
- Verify the capital asset list and depreciation schedules. Confirm the planned capital asset replacements and budget for the coming fiscal year.
- Ensure that the Capital Asset Reserve Study is completed roughly every 5 years, or that an internal effort that replicates that process is done instead.
- Support the Master Plan Amenity Committee by overseeing development of cost estimates for desired amenities along with revisions to the long-term capital forecast for evaluation by the Board.
- Verify that the Long-Term Capital Plan is updated to include new infrastructure items approved by the board and coordinate with the Master Amenity Planning Committee to capture new capital items approved by the board. Recommend adjustments to future capital revenues as needed to fund these new items.
- Ensure that the planned capital dues support the growth of capital reserves toward 70% of full funding target. Provide a 10-20 year forecast of capital reserve levels to the Board of Directors and recommend capital dues that support the forecast.
Financial Policy
- Verify SVEA compliance with the established Financial Policies. Recommend revisions to the Policies when appropriate
Vision Committee (SVEA)
The Vision Committee mission is to develop a vision for the future of Elkhorn through a collaboration SVEA committees and members. This would include developing and maintaining a Master Amenity Plan that identifies new and upgraded amenities. Creating this as a stand-alone Committee allows a singular focus on creating a vision and roadmap for the future development of SVEA.
Recreation Committee (SVEA)
The responsibility of the Recreation Committee includes parks, open space, swimming, golf, and trails. This committee develops recommendations for the Board based on community input regarding our physical facilities and programs. The Committee will be active in making recommendations to the Master Amenity Planning Committee regarding the details and desired time frame to deliver updated or new amenities.
Responsible for recommending policies concerning all racquet sports, including gathering input from users to help define policies that foster a sense of community among users. The committee will actively communicate with the SVEA Staff and the Master Amenity Planning Committee to identify needed capital improvements or additions.
Sub Associations Liaison Committee (SVEA Committee)
This is an Ambassador Program that assigns an SVEA Board Member to attend each sub-association annual meeting to keep those owners up to date on relevant SVEA issues, accomplishments, and upcoming events, as well as to answer questions and bring comments, concerns or suggestions back to the Board. Staff and the Communications Committee will assist with providing topics and pertinent information.
Village Parking and Annexation Committee (Ad-Hoc)
This committee’s mission is to provide a resolution to the outstanding issues surrounding the village parking lot and resolution of the annexation-related matters within Elkhorn. Resolutions will be recommended to the SVEA Board for approval.