•  April 15, 2025
     2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The SVEA Fire Safety Committee invites you to join us at the Harker Center for an open discussion on Firewise principles and how to live with wildfires and create a survivable landscape.  SVEA will host a meeting with Reid Black, Division Chief of Community Risk Reduction Fire Code Official, with the City of Sun Valley (more…)

  •  April 16, 2025
     2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The SVEA Fire Safety Committee invites you to join us at the Harker Center for an open discussion on Firewise principles and how to live with wildfires and create a survivable landscape.  SVEA will host a meeting with Reid Black, Division Chief of Community Risk Reduction Fire Code Official, with the City of Sun Valley (more…)